Sunday 5 January 2014

2014: Stuff To Do and Stuff I Wanna Do (With Pictures, So You Won't Be Bored Reading)

Hey readers, notice something different? No? It's 2014! The post before this was published in 2013, so yeah, new year but you'll still get the same content from yours truly, the ever good lookin' blogger that is only narcissistic in the interwebz but really suffering from low self-esteem in real life.

Moving on, this year is THE year I will have to sit in exams, attend courses, seminars, induction courses for my job confirmation. That consist of General Order Exam (Y'know, how to claim stuff, how to take a day off, mostly General stuff in being a government officer), TWO department exams, technical stuff exam and Environmental Quality Act 1974 exam, attending 2 induction courses, general and specific induction course (I hope the term "general" and "specific" is correct), a basic course by the department, which takes up 2 and a half months (Yes, THAT long of a course) and a  (literal translation here) "Mind Transformation Program" (In Malay, Program Transformasi Minda, or short, PTM). Yep, busy busy year for me. Have to be mentally and physically prepared for it. Lots of time booked for these courses and exams.

General Order book I have to read and understand. Great, more reading and understanding.

A new paragraph, even though I'll be busy attending those things, I wanna travel, just to one place, outside Malaysia, or maybe I don't have the time, somewhere in Sabah or Sarawak, but not in Peninsular Malaysia. I just wanna wind up, relax do some soul-searching and try and dig in to find my true self. I need to get away from the normal routine, repeating over and over making me dull and boring. I wanna see new places, meet new people, learn a new culture that I don't know. Dunno where to go yet, but I will tell you when I am ready. Dunno, I was thinking of going to Australia, to Adelaide (the farthest I can go) and the nearest will be in Kundasang, Sabah or going all city-slicker like the city boy I am, visit Kuching, Sarawak. Dunno, I haven't made the decision yet. So, don't hold your breath, results may vary.

Yeah, I miss Cambridge, Norwich and London. That's me, in front of King's College, 2009 (duh, obviously)

Now, to gaming. Well, well, well... I plan to buy the Playstation 4 after my basic course that probably finishes in October, so it'll be like my birthday present to myself! Maybe I'll buy it during my birthday, but highly unlikely cuz it's on a Wednesday. For me, buying the PS4 early, is a waste of time, because all the games I like, are released like April onwards, except for inFamous Second Son, which will come out in March. So, let the games roll and I'll just buy it when I feel like playing. I was hopingto go all serious in gaming, but I have a demanding job, so that's out of the question. I won't have a social life, and with little social life I have, I'd be dead alone in my room, and my parents won't notice my body for 9 hours. Heh, just kidding. Dark humor aside, I can talk a lot about the games coming out in 2014, but that will be in another post. We'll end it here.

PS4 FTW! Suck it, XBONE!

Personal life, I'm not too keen in sharing it. I just like, chose to really move from a friendship that I thought could go far, but I think it won't work, cuz I really want to meet this individual in person, rather than online. However (comma) I sense no seriousness in the friendship. So, that one bites the dust, but I'm OK, no hard feelings, no hatred or anything, just wanna move on to greener pastures. I hope to find that special one, I mean, I AM normal, I want a girlfriend, a wife if I wanna go all P. Diddy and Usher, singing "I Need A Girl". But I'm in no rush to find one, I am still young (25 years old this October) and just had my job last March. People tell me to wait for it, I find that stupid. Something just doesn't roll on your lap, you need to search, but don't show desperation in doing it. Relax, go with the flow, like urinating, you force piss it, your urethra will hurt (Yeah, I used urination as a reference, deal with it). So yeah, any girls interested, comment on this post, I'll get back to ya (Urgh, that sentence reeks with desperation, but hey, doesn't hurt trying, right?).

Yup, I hope I can get married before the world ends. It would suck if I die a virgin.

Anything missing, apart from being a better Muslim, son, friend, healthier than last year, and better rival in Pokemon battles which is so obvious I don't need to elaborate here? Well, that's it, I have nothing else to say. About furthering my studies, doing PhD, that one, will be years from now, not in the near future. Maybe 4-5 years, but not next year or 2 years from now. We'll leave it at that. As for writing a play, novel and stuff, that will be on hold, I have no idea what my story will be. I ain't Geroge R. R. Martin or J.K. Rowling. Maybe one day that storyline and characters materialize in my cramped up brain, I'll typed it AFAIC ("as fast as I can", if you don't speak acronym).

I hope I don't end up being in this book. I'm still sane.

Yeah, this is really the last paragraph, so that's my brief (pfffttt!) hopes and stuff I wanna do in 2014. I pray that everything will be better in 2014 and it gets better as the years roll by. I'll leave you with a lame joke that I totally ripped off in the internetz I find very amusing but downright lame-O. So, goodbye, dear readers, hope you have a great day, a new energy to charge through the new year and new challenges to overcome. See you next time, whenever that is. Now read the joke, ya lazy bums!


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