Who will get,
The Last Laugh,
The one that drops dead,
Buried with a cruel epitaph,
The first that goes mad,
Turns smiles to frowns,
From happy to sad,
Twisting the mouth of clowns,
It kills you when you fall down,
Takes your life without a sound,
Drags you underground,
Where eternal fire can be found,
It burns your skin,
Peeling away the sins,
Throwing it all away,
In God's trash bin.
Where the Devil,
Gets the last laugh,
Getting more victims,
More than enough,
A devastating scene,
Soul burned away,
They want to run away,
But they are trapped,
For eternal, there to stay,
No objections can be said,
They should've done good,
Before they were dead,
No pleads will be spoken,
When God's lividness awoken,
Giving the Angel of Hell,
The pleasure to torture,
The heathens, the atheists,
The haters, the fascists,
the capitalists, the racists,
All fried to crisp,
The abhorring air that wisps,
And the last laugh goes to the Devil,
The root of all Evil,
Laughing maniacally,
Proud to lie,
To divert the unfortunate souls,
Burned black holes in their souls,
Even though screaming in pain,
The human share it's pain,
They felt lost,
In the Battle of Life,
Which they Lost,
When going to heaven.
Is just a distant memory,
To be heard far away,
They starved in there,
Eating scabs and pus,
A punishment,
For following their lust,
A place, where justice is just,
Blowing a gust of flame,
To all the unnamed,
Once King of the World,
Now, The One That is Shamed,
Lower than scum,
Drowning in the Spit Slums,
This is the place,
Where souls defy God,
For being arrogant,
Claiming Earth to be their Palace,
These scummy sods,
Eternal punishment they seek,
By coincidence,
makes the Devil happy,
Having followers that are crazy,
Being barbarians that are sleazy,
They died buried with a cruel epitaph,
Where the Devil gets,
The Last Laugh...
Goodbye, see you when I see you. If not, see you in the afterlife. - Raziel Rizalinium-