Thursday, 15 September 2011

The Play (Poem) April 14th, 2007

As in today,
There is a play,
A play about our lives,
About wives and the bee-hives,
A play of an idiot,
That walks the stage,
Pretending, merely,
Faking caressing, merely,
That brings tears to the spectators,
The leaders and the dictators,
A play of nothingness,
Brings no benefit,
Only people moving aimlessly,
Like a witless twit,
But it is a play,
A play about our lives,
People wonder,
If life is that meaningless,
Like the wind that wisp only once,
and never again return,
Like the thoughts we gave,
Shall never be used,
This shows from the play,
About our lives lived night and day,
Showing the errors of our ways,
Tells us we only pretend to live,
The generosities we misgive,
Our acts,
Signifies nothing,
This is a fact,
That makes us thinking,
We think until we go crazy,
The answers lost for eternity,
As this play shows us,
It is useless to live,
The ups and downs of life,
Are only artificial,
It gives us false hope,
LIfe only tortures us,
Scrutinizing our lives,
Making nightmares,
Making us fear to live,
Life, that only brings Hell,
Only few who comprehend to tell,
The play still goes on,
People who watches it watched intently,
The idiot that acts shows not fantasy,
But the cruel Reality,
Marred by animosity,
As we live like Hell,
Death makes it worse,
The pain of it only God can tell,
Feels like your brain is going to burst,
Death only leads to a wasted life,
As what we achieved,
Is wasted by death,
The play still goes on,
The spectators watching carefully,
The idiot acting convincingly,
Until his death,
But people did not care,
They continue to live,
Their lives of Hell.

1 comment:

Mr. Piyoxsee said...

gila nice ayat!!!..tabek r linguister..^^