Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Confused Mind

I'm tired. So I shall sit. My thoughts are in the mix. AGAIN. For the umphteenth time. Where I sit, is a throne. A Throne of Lies, lay hidden by Kings of Rotten Minds and Disbelief To The Power That Holds. You may not understand, or never will, for I shall die, a thousand ways and you will never know where my soul will go.

I dreamed of peace. That comes from a piece. I dreamed of freedom, that comes from the barrel of a gun. I dream of Utopia, where emotionless people live. Where I am stuck in a disproportionate alternate universe singing backwards to call for the ancestors to take me to another life, much, much better than this. You don't need to understand. You only have to read. Easy enough? Right.

I shall die, but when or where, I do not know. What do you know, about a dead man's thoughts? What do you  see, when the discombobulated memories that bends Space and Time to create a paradox of the Mind of the Dead. Where you could easily control what supposed to be a living world, to a mere back-door realization of pseudo-simulation that is controlled by The One Who Created us. What happens when you gain control of it, for yourself? Do not understand the words, but understand the message.

Do not be the person that controls others, for their bodies are not yours to control. Do not let others control you, for they have no right to judge the creation of The One That Created us. But when other people's sins are what created us to be the unfortunate, unhappy and undesirable, what makes the person deserve it? Repelling downwards the food-chain of a cannibalistic human order, where predators are many, and the preys are limited. Do not hurt yourself from thinking, do not understand it. You may go crazy. Just like me.

We live under a stained world, blanketed by gases that sickens us, living a short time span, intentionally killing us slowly. We are blinded by telling ourselves that we are happy, but in the end, Death is not that happy to see you. We create an illusion of content, pleasures that only last for a short time. Is it enough to make us sane in living for another year? I ask you this, if you live in a world where there's no variation, pure contentment for a life that is safe? Misery would creep at the back of your head, giving you a choke hold and leave you breathless and boredom will set in.

Life is not for you to understand. Life is for you to live. Life is for you to go through and not question the very existence of things that are already exist long before you do. You chase perfectionism, yet you sacrifice other people's goal to achieve it too. You direct orders to achieve that goal of yours, fully disregarding the unfortunate that are forced to live by not their mistakes, but the mistakes others that made them what they are now. Ignore the empty words, take heed of the message.

Words are just words. You can type, write or say em', but without feelings or projection of emotions, it is meaningless. But what happens, when what you have read here, is just a lie? I make no guarantee of what I just typed here is true. It could be the truth, but to what extent will you believe what I said is true? OR, you believe that all of this is a lie, but to what extent do you think the lies will end? See? You cannot but a measure of length of the truth or lies behind every thing that's intangible.

Let me live and sit here, where the throne is nothing but air of lies hidden under the cloth of truths that defies any comprehension of the mind that we inherit which is just puny for us to think more than what we can think of. Thinking is dangerous. To learn about what you shouldn't know only drives you crazier. Do you know the REAL definition of INSANITY? Who knows, I certainly don't. Confusion has befallen upon you. Do not worry, my mind is in the state of disarray. Fragmenting the thoughts, scanning useless ones and deleting them to achieve an almost ideal way of thinking freely, with no fences of the faculties of the mind. 

Here, it will end. You will not find any answers here, readers, but more mind-boggling questions of a poor man's thoughts that never really hides what he used to speak of before. It may look like nothing, but it's something. That SOMETHING may be important. Philosophical thinking does not make you look or sound smart, but annoying and waiting for the impatient ones to hit you.

I will end this. No more complications. No more congregation of dark thoughts. NO MORE. It needs to end. A beginning will always have an end, for if there's no end, it is a black hole of thoughts, that sucks more sanity of a person, driving that person insane. An end that ends it. Sounds very definite. Remember, your thoughts goes for no one but yourselves. I bid you farewell. Goodbye readers.

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