Friday, 1 October 2010

Save Us!!! Tuesday, August 14th, 2007

How can we live?
If we detach our souls from our body?
Eaten by the Devils,maliciously,
Savouring and relishing the moment,
The moment of triumph,
Triumph over mankind’s easily fooled mind,
The stupidity we inherited,
From our ancestors,
Do we deserve this?
The humiliation among humans?
A plan that was so diabolical,
We only nod our head for agreement,
Not knowing the consequences,
We are the victims of evolution,
SAVE US from the suffering we did not create!!
This will make you think, are we worth it? Living on this earth? We only destroy it and only make our lives worse. somehow, this is the only thing that bothers me. do we live purely for destruction? Do mankind have no mercy or remorse towards their acts of heinous crimes. Social Ills, pollution of any kinds and the corruption of the higher power only bleeds us to save the useless, the destructive individuals to bully the weak. We care not the sufferings of other people that are dying like falling flies. We only care only ourselves, never others. How can we just let this go on? The End is already near, so, just risk our lives to get rid of these parasites that are destroying our earth, our sacred places, Think it back, think hard, can you live under the new regime of destruction? Killing for pleasure? Please, help us!!!!

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