Thursday, 2 April 2015

Day 2: Program Transformasi Minda, Postponement News and Monkey Business

2nd of April guys and girls, I'm still alive and I feel great! I called Public Service Department of Malaysia and they told me that I can postpone and my name won't be removed from the course. Yeay! I will join the next course which they don't know when. So, hoping it'll be end of this year.

2nd day of April. Nothing interesting, I touched up my postponement letter and went to a meeting. I'm waiting for the Program Transformasi Minda letter so I can't attach it to my letter as proof as to why I have to postpone going to the course.

The thing about people knowing you will be changing jobs is that you have to tell them that you're not going now. Then, al of them are like, "Laaaaaa..... why lah?" and I told them I have yet to confirm my post and they're like "Wah, so late to confirm job? Our time, PTM was done during our first year. So weird, doing it this late. Then, you're late one batch. When's the next course?"

Yeap, people next time when you break a news like this, not when you get the online result. Wait for the letter to come and then tell them.

PTM will be done in INSTUN, Institut Tanah dan Ukur Negara somewhere in Perak. Yep, that far. I've never been there. It's a 5-day course about Malaysian history and the Malaysian Government. It has classes, activities and that's it. The last day there will be an exam. So, when you finish PTM, they will have a meeting, look at our scores and how well be behaved during the course. So, if the panel unanimously agree to let you pass the course, you pass with flying colours. For me, this is the last one left to confirm my post now. I've finished my department's exam and also General Order Exam. If I pass this, I will be a legit government servant, no more in probation. Yahoo!

I called the ministry and they said the letter will be given tomorrow. So, I have to wait to send my postponement letter on Friday. That sucks, I thought I can send it today.

Yup, and now I can breathe easy knowing I don't feel trapped choosing to resign and be stressed when I go for the PTD course,

Yeah, there are monkeys terrorizing my neighbourhood and I'm afraid to take run outside on the treadmill, fearing ti will be attracted to the songs and the noise of the treadmill. Damn those monkeys. I hope PERHILITAN will catch them soon. Yeah, yeah, my podcast's name is Rambling Monkey, but doesn't mean I love those things. They are considered as pest here in Malaysia. You can shoot it without feeling any remorse. Well, if you're PETA or some extreme animal rights activist, you'd do something else. For me, screw them, take out our gun and shoot on sight.

Alright, I think that's it for tonight. Tomorrow's FRIDAY! (Singing Rebecca Black's Friday) Stay tuned for the 3rd day of B.E.D.A, maybe something interesting will happen... or not. I dunno, I can't predict the future.

So long readers, see you tomorrow. Hope you had a great 2nd of April and may it continue throughout the whole month of April and beyond. Goodbye!

Raziel Rizalinium

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